Customer Responsibilities

Water Lines

Water Service Lines from a District-owned Water Main to any water service location shall be the property of the Customer. The Customer shall have the responsibility for maintenance and repair of the Water Service Line at the Customer’s expense.

Sewer Lines

Any Sewer Service Line from a District-owned Sewer Main to any sewer service location shall be the property of the Customer. The Customer shall have the responsibility for maintenance and repair of the Sewer Service Line at the Customer’s expense. The Customer is responsible for maintaining a free flow of water and sewage in the Sewer Service Line from the service location to the District-owned Sewer Main by ensuring that no obstruction exists in the Sewer Service Line.

Leaks, Breaks, or Blockage

The property owner is responsible for repairing any leaks, breaks or blockages that occur in a Water or Sewer service line. The repairs need to be made within a reasonable amount of time following the discovery or notification of the leak, break or blockage. The District does have the right to shut off the water supply at the curb stop without notice to make necessary repairs. The District reserves the right to make these repairs at the expense of the Customer if the repairs are necessary to the health, safety, and welfare of those within the District.

Water Meter

The water meter, either located inside the structure or in a meter pit, is owned by the Customer but is maintained by the District.

Stop Box

The outside shut-off valve (“stop box”) is maintained and owned by the customer. It’s the customer’s responsibility to keep their stop box visible, accessible and operable. This ensures that our technicians can access the stop box in case of emergency.